ShopMate EPoS

Generating a report

Step: 1
To access the reporting interface, go to Other Functions, Administration, Reports, then Reports. When you select this, a new screen is displayed, as shown here.
Step: 2
At the top ‘Reports’, ‘Dates’, ‘Options’. These are used to select the report you wish to generate, the dates you wish to generate the report for and any options you wish to select.
Step: 3
To select the report type, press the Reports tab at the top left. This will drop down a list of the available reports, with a brief description of what the report offers. To select a report, press on it. This will close the menu, and you will see the report name appear and flash in the Report Bar at the bottom of the screen. To close the list without selecting a report, either tap again on the Reports tab, or anywhere else on the screen.
Step: 4
Once a report type has been chosen, select the dates that the report will cover from the dates menu press the Fixed Period Dates tab for a list of options, select one: Today, Yesterday, Last Week and Last Month. By selecting any of these, you will see the start date and end date of the report in the Report Bar at the bottom of the screen. When the Generate Report button goes green means the report is ready to be complied.
Step: 5
To select certain dates, use the Calendar controls to navigate through time – the << and >> buttons will go to the previous and next months. The first date you will select will be the ‘Set Report Start Date’ and will appear in green and ‘Set Report End Date’ will show in red. Once you select the end date, the date will appear on the report bar, and the calendar will close.
Step: 6
Another shortcut for just selecting the last weeks report is to go to Report options , select Set Week Start. By default, the week is assumed to start on a Monday morning at 12:00 am.
Step: 7
Once a report has been generated you can use the Up and Down buttons in the Control Panel to scroll through the repor
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