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Retailer Case Studies
Read stories about retailers like you.
Our EPoS solution has enabled convenience retailers to streamline their operations, improve their inventory management, and make data-driven decisions about their business, leading to increased profitability and customer satisfaction.It's great to see small businesses succeed and make a difference in their local communities. The stores we are working with prioritise efficiency and profitability, while also striving to benefit their customers. They are excellent examples of businesses that care about their community.
Pricing Bravely, Building Loyalty: Amit Patel’s Formula for Success
Varu’s Local Store in Whitwick, Coalville is a beacon for the community. With its prime location, visible from all angles, and plenty of convenient parking, this store has become a staple for local residents and passersby alike.
Small Store, Smart Moves
How Sandeep and Umi Patel make every inch count in their small convenience store in Newbridge.
1 Stop Convenience Derby
Sales are on the increase at 1 Stop Chaddesden - Jey shares his expert tips on how to increase sales in your convenience store.
Good Cheer Cellars
Good Cheer Cellars were the lucky winners of our iPad prize draw from Parfest ‘24. We met with owners Leckbir and Jaz and their son Ruban, who was most enthusiastic – it has yet to be decided who gets to keep the iPad!
Retailer Profile - Seaborn Stores
We discuss refits, family and community with Kelly Allen from Seaborn Stores in Morecambe Lancashire
Market Garden
Our iPad prize draw was awarded to Samuel Sood of The Market Garden in Nottinghamshire.
Joe's Great Yarmouth
Sandy and Rachel have saved money on advertising by installing an outward facing MediaMaster XL screen to attract new customers.
Budgens Riverside, Wooler
Local businessman Graeme Wilson spotted an opportunity... he opened a new convenience store in Wooler, despite no previous retail experience. Read about the project here from start to finish.
Budgens Riverside at Wooler
Can anyone open a successful convenience store without any retail experience? Local business partners did just that in Wooler, Northumberland. Find out more.
Langtoft Post Office
What makes the Post Office in Langtoft Bourne so popular with its customers? Find out how Mrs Kaur has adapted her store offering to suit her customer base.
Bilsborrow Post Office
Experienced retailers, David and Sharon Rimmer, have built their successful business around superior customer service. They have run the Post Office at Bilsborrow, Preston, for the last 18 years.
Late Stop Bangor
Late Stop in Bangor is an Independent 24-hour store supplying the visitors, residents and students in the city for the past 40 years. To stay competitive, the team have set up a successful home delivery service in the local area.
Alpesh Patel - Supersave
See how Alpesh Patel, president of the Reading division of NRFN, has made his stores a success in the suburbs of Reading.
The First Raj Aggarwal Award
Jules Convenience is the first store to be awarded the Raj Aggarwal Award for community service.
Wharfedale Premier – Hull
ShopMate has made a noticeable difference to the profitability of our business bringing many benefits. The team at The Retail data Partnership care about our business and provide excellent back up when we need their help or advice.
Sam’s Premier – Bourne
The Parbat family have run convenience retail businesses for over 35 years and have worked with ShopMate for 10 years.
Woodend Premier – Castleford
Santokh and Ranjit Sandhu, the owners of Woodend Premier Convenience Store in Leeds are one of our top sellers of confectionery and cater to every type of shopper.
Convenience Corner–Brighton
Convenience Corner is one of our best-performing retailers for alcohol sales, beating their rivals in a busy trading environment. We visited the store to meet its owner, Keith Marlow to find out how they’d achieved such success.
Bramcote Lane Convenience
Bramcote Lane Premier is a fantastic example of how flexibility and smart decisions can lead to improved business turnover and footfall.
Fascia shift boosts retail?
Can a fascia swap give a retail business a boost. We visit Broxtowe Lane Family Shopper to find out about their swap from Premier to Family Shopper and how their store has been performing.
Abington General Store
MUP has made very little difference. The only change so far is a downturn in cider sales.
Belle Vue GoLocal
Bay Bashir, 47, enjoys ownership of five stores local to the Middlesbrough area under the GoLocal facia. We sat down for a chat to discuss his recent successful transition from Lifestyle Express towards GoLocal, and how TRDP had assisted throughout the process.
Hot Food Profile: Ryhall Village Stores
We sat down with Miranda – the proprietor of the Ryhall Village Stores – to have a conversation about her establishment’s hot food counter.
Zeenat Supermarket
Zeenat is a large Asian supermarket based in Central Birmingham which specialises in a large selection of fresh fruit and veg as well as products you would expect to find in any convenience store. With five years’ experience in the convenience sector and two years’ at Zeenats, Mr. Jamaludin has made his mark.
SuperShop, Stoke-on-Trent
With fierce local competition from £1 shops and other C-stores we wondered how SuperShop was performing so well. Here’s a few of the things we found.
Congratulations to Mo Razzaq!
As an EPoS supplier that we believe technology is an integral part of any retailer business. This month, Mo Razzaq, one of Scotland’s leading independent retailers took home the Technology and Digital Engagement Award.
Mosterton's and Local Loyalty
In September 2015, Caroline Cunningham took ownership of Mosterton Village Shop which is situated in the quaint village of Mosterton, Devon.
Collyweston Community Shop
Award winning Collyweston Community Shop is run by retired estate agent Sandra Johnson and her fellow volunteers. This delightful grant funded establishment has been running for seven years and is situated in peaceful Collyweston, Lincolnshire.
The Dale Stores, Birstwith
The Dale Stores in Birstwith is a great example of a Food to Go retailer and we visited Matt, Andrea and their team to find out more about their success.
Becoming an award winning retailer - BK Stores
Blakemore hosted its second annual Retailer of the Year awards, an opportunity to reward its customers for stellar retailing achievement. One retailer that performed particularly well, picking up three awards was BK Stores, a Bmorelocal… based in Immingham, Lincolnshire.