ShopMate EPoS

Goods In, Out of Date, Not Sold, Returned, Damaged and Transfer.

Step: 1
If you want to add goods to stock at the till press Other Functions, Product & Prices, then Manage Stock.
Step: 2
The screen will change to a ‘Manage Stock’ screen. Press the Goods In tab.
Step: 3
Click New good in session, then either scan an item or press Input Barcode and enter the barcode. You can then edit the products in the session by pressing the session (touch the line) and press Edit Goods In Session.
Step: 4
Press the quantity and a number pad will appear. Alter the quantities and press Submit.
Step: 5
You can also add more lines, print stock session or exit. To add your goods in session to the stock on your till press Commit Goods In Session. You will be asked if you are sure, press OK.
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