High profile chef and health campaigner, Jamie Oliver, has lobbied the government to tackle the issue of sugary products because of their link to obesity, especially in children. He cites the number of promotions that retailers have on sugary products, hence you may already be feeling the pressure to reduce promotions on these contentious lines.
BBC News 2015 reports that the CHC indicated that a tax on sugary drinks should be introduced as part of a ‘bold and urgent’ set of measures to tackle child obesity. Some soft drinks contain 14 teaspoons of sugar – twice the recommended level for a whole day.
Instead of having most of your sugary soft drinks on ‘3 for 2’ or ‘buy one get one free’ promotions, why not market The Big Night In and cross sell snacks and a variety of soft drinks? For example, buy a share bag of crisps or popcorn and get a soft-drink for free? That way you reduce the sugary products you have on promotion. You can also upsell these items which will encourage consumers to pick a healthier alternative.
Offer alternatives to sugary products like low fat flavoured milks, mineral water, no-added-sugar (NAS) fruit juices and low calorie snacks, as well as fresh fruit.
Consumers are more likely to buy nutritionally improved options if they cost less. Companies are more likely to support health initiatives if they make money by co-operating. The challenge is to provide economic incentives for buyers and sellers simultaneously. (The Grocer 2013).
Several major retailers such as Tesco have removed sugary products from near their tills to underline their support for healthy eating. If you stock healthier products, you will support consumers who wish to make healthier choices. All parents have experienced the emotional stress of children’s pester power –