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Behind the Scenes
Mercury Business Awards
We took a trip to PVS Media in Grantham to make a short film for the Stamford Mercury Business Awards to discuss our journey to this milestone.

Once seated in the studio, the lights dimmed, and the cameras were positioned. Our Managing Director Brian was interviewed about the company for the two awards for which we’ve been shortlisted, the Large Business Award and the Environmental Champion Award. The Mercury wanted to feature the finalists, giving us the opportunity to showcase our brand, discuss our achievements, and provide insights into our business.

We discussed the challenges we've faced, in an ever-evolving market, and how our team’s resilience and innovation have been key to overcoming them. Any company success isn’t possible without Customers, Brian outlined how our principal focus is to help our Customers flourish and manage their businesses. The conversation also touched on the broader business landscape, and how ShopMate has leveraged technology and creativity to continue to support retailers with innovative solutions.

The interviewer was particularly interested in our approach to sustainability and community engagement. We were proud to share our initiatives, from reducing our carbon footprint to supporting local charities. You can read more about ShopMate’s environmental initiatives here.

As we await the final results of the award, we do so with a sense of pride and anticipation. Regardless of the outcome, we appreciate the recognition we’ve received and the opportunity to share our story.

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