
Stock Take

Step: 1
Select menu item 5. Stock Take from the main menu.
Step: 2
Scan the item and enter the count.
Step: 3
You must make sure you count all instances in the store where this item sits - stock room, display, behind counter, freezer etc. You can count each category separately so the stock take needn't take place in one day. If you have already counted one location, the next time you scan it, the count will show (we already have 5 items counted from the shop floor). If you count a further 6 items in the stock room, the count will show 11. It will add to the count every time you scan that item and add a number. Any items sold on ShopMate till during the stocktake period will be deducted from the count when you sync. If you make an error in your count, remember to re-count the item exactly as shown when you have finished syncing.
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