Throughout this crisis, we have all been able to rely upon our local convenience stores to keep us going, to keep our cupboards stocked. Whether it was toilet roll when the panic buying started or bags of flour when the packaging shortage threatened our home baking – our local store has been open – nimbly responding to provide exactly what we need, when we need it.
Our Sunday is built around a day of rest, so Sunday is still the quietest day of the week, with stores on average taking 18.74% less than an average day’s takings spread throughout the week.
Our independent traders who provided so well for us throughout the peak of the crisis should not be forgotten about in the government’s decision making when it comes to a change in Sunday Trading rules.
Our local stores adapted to help ease the burden on those who were self-isolating, offering home delivery and web-based grocery ordering services like Basket. Their personal and compassionate service should not now be cast aside in favour of the huge brands who have the financial resilience to weather the storm.