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Natasha's law comes into effect

Do you prepare food to be sold in your store such as food-to-go, pre-packed sandwiches, packaged cakes or biscuits? If so this Law change may apply to you.

The UK Food Information Amendment, also known as Natasha’s Law, comes into effect from October 2021 and will require all food businesses to provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on foods pre-packaged for direct sale on the premises. The legislation is being introduced to protect allergy sufferers and give them confidence in the food they buy.

Natasha's Law Sandwich

Natasha Ednan-Laperouse was a 15 year old girl who died of anaphylaxis following a severe allergic reaction. Natasha purchased a baguette in 2016 from Pret a Manger. The baguette contained sesame seeds but had not been labelled as such because it was not then required for food prepared on the premises. Her parents who say that Natasha would still be alive if the ingredients had been on the label, campaigned for a change to the law.

The new law comes into effect on Friday 1st October 2021 and stores need to be sure they can provide accurate labelling for all ingredients.

Any pre-packaged for direct sale (PPDS) that you have packaged yourself will need to be labelled with the name of the food and a complete ingredients list. Allergenic ingredients must also be highlighted, for example in bold, italics or a different colour.

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The new law comes into effect on Friday 1st October 2021

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