One advantage that C-stores hold over supermarkets and specialist shops is ultimate accessibility. During times of national celebration, you’ll find your local convenience store open for business while larger establishments are locked down.
These operating hours can be a Godsend when you’ve forgotten vital components for Christmas dinner or, in some cases, need more alcohol for that neighbourhood Hogmanay bash. As such, alcohol sales during the last week of each year can skyrocket – but what are people buying?
After crunching our sales data, we can explore the last three years’ worth of purchases to list the top 10 drinks in each alcohol category. Ever wondered what the best-selling beer, cider, or spirit over the festive period has proven to be? Read on…
Stella Artois continues to be the dominant beer product, topping the league table once again. Interestingly, in 2018 and 2019 a price-marked variety took over the top spot from its previous version. Price mark popularity is not new but its impact is highlighted by the fact that 60% of the top-selling beer products are price marked in 2019, compared to 0% in 2016.