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Winter Remedies

Get the right lines for your store this winter

The NHS is urging people to come forward for Flu and Covid jabs again as winter approaches – winter is the season for colds and airborne viruses to be spread. Many winter illnesses are treatable at home and customers will be coming to your store to find a suitable remedy to relieve symptoms. Are you stocking the right items?

Peak sales for Winter Remedies are during the colder months. Sales begin to increase in September and decrease in Feb/March.

Winter Remedies - Medicated Confectionery
BrandShare of Medicated Confectionery (£)
Halls 49.1%
Lockets 16.3%
Jakemans 12.2%
Strepsils 11.6%
Fishermans Friend 3.5%
Winter Remedies - Share of Total Winter Remedies Sales
Winter Remedies - Cold & Flu Relief
Brand Share of Cold & Flu Relief (£)
Lemsip 75%
Beechams 14.1%
Galpharm 4.8%
Nurofen 4%
Benylin 1.1%
Winter Remedies - Decongestant
BrandShare of Decongestant (£)
Vicks 55.6%
Sudafed 35.7%
Olbas 5.4%
Galpharm 1.9%
Bells 0.7%
The peak in 2020 correlates with the pandemic when people were either treating symptoms or buying products to avoid getting sick. As we adjust to post-COVID conditions we see the data for 2022 falling back in line with the trend seen pre-COVID.

Get your store ready to help your customers get through the winter with fewer sniffles.

Winter Remedies - Cough Syrup Brands
Brand Share of Cough Syrup (£)
Benylin 43.8%
Buttercup 3.1%
Bells 1.7%
Bronchostop 0.4%
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