ShopMate EPoS

Integrated chip and pin

Step: 1
If you have TRDP’s integrated Chip & Pin processing option, press the Total and then End Sale button. Press the blue Chip & Pin button at the bottom of the screen. The screen will prompt you through the steps of processing the transaction or offering the customer the option of Cashback
Step: 2
If you press Payment, the screen prompts you to offer the customer Cashback. If they want Cashback, you are prompted to enter the amount. Once you have entered the amount, press Payment to proceed to the next stage. The customer then needs to insert their card into the Chip and Pin reader connected to the till. The till will have transmitted the transaction amount to the card reader. As soon as the customer has entered their PIN number, the Chip & Pin device will contact the payment clearing system to authorise the transaction.
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