ShopMate EPoS

Setting up Hotkeys

Step: 1
To create hotkeys go to Other functions and then Hotkey Editor
Step: 2
Press +New. Type in the name of the menu and press Submit and then OK
Step: 3
Give the menu a heading by clicking the top row, then press Create Button
Step: 4
Press Expand and use arrows to expand heading to desired length.
Step: 5
In Appearance, select the text box and type the name of the menu or select an image. Set background colour if required. Leave ‘Action’ set to ‘No Action Set’.
Step: 6
Touch the grid where you would like your first button. Press the size of the button then Add text or image and then set action
Step: 7
Select Action, choose Add Item Press Select Product and type the name of the product into Product Search and select from Priced, Unpriced or Retail. Then press Submit . If no appropriate product is found then follow Add new Product guide
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