ShopMate EPoS

Stock Details tab

Step: 1
In the stock tab, you can also change the information about the stock. In the stock information section, you will have the following: • Current Stock Manage Products • Adjust Stock • Last Sold • Last Scanned • Exempt from Orders
Step: 2
If the product has become delisted/not available anymore you can change this by pressing Delist Product, when you select Apply, the current stock will be updated with information of the date and who it was delisted by. You can also re-add the product by pressing Relist Product.
Step: 3
To adjust Stock it works like manage stock the difference is that you are adjusting the stock information for an individual product rather than a group of products.To do any stock adjustments, select the text box and enter the quantity using the number pad. Select from the drop-down list shown. Select a type and then press Apply to assign the amount to a specific category.
Step: 4
Re-Order information will let you to setup when a product needs ordering. This information will be taken in to account when generating a re-order report. The ‘Minimum Quantity’ will let you set the quantity of a particular product you want your stock to go down to before it goes on to your reorder report. The ‘Order Frequency’ will let you to set the frequency that you order from your wholesaler. The default is once a week. ShopMate will then use this along with a number of other criteria to work out a suggested order list. To create a re-order, select the input box for ‘Minimum Quantity’ and input the amount using the number pad. If you want to have the frequency set as 7 (one week) leave it how it is, otherwise select the input box for Order Frequency and input a number between 1-7 for number of days. Press Apply to confirm the changes.
Step: 5
Order Product will let you add product to existing or new order in OrderMaster. To create an order, select the drop-down for ‘Add to order’, if you already have an order awaiting to be sent in OrderMaster you will see it in the list, if not press Add New Order, select a Wholesaler from the drop-down list and then press Ok. Select the packs input box and add the quantity you want, press Apply to add the product to OrderMaster.
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